




About the Department

The Department of Religious Studies at Catholic University of Korea is committed to the contemporary mission of the Catholic Church in Korea, where multiple religions and diverse cultures coexist (see 'Regulations for Catholic Universities and Institutions of Higher Education in Korea', Article 10). It seeks to foster communion among Christian churches and interreligious dialogue through academic research. It also seeks to foster respect for life, justice peace, and cultural dialogue within Korean society, and to train human resources to address various social issues.

Major Course Guide

Catholic Theology Major

The 'Catholic Theology Major' studies the major theologies of the Catholic Church, such as Trinitarianism, Christology, ecclesiology, and sacramentalism, and provides an overview of the doctrines presented at the 21 universal councils of the Church and important church history. It also provides a foundation for biblical theology by acquiring basic Aramaic and basic Hebrew to study the original texts of the New Testament and Old Testament.

Major in Christian Classics

The major in Christian Classics is the study of the ancient texts of the Christian tradition. Manuscripts and editions of the Old and New Testaments are studied using a variety of literary criticism methodologies, including textual criticism. Students also analyze and explore the sayings of the saints of the Catholic Church, encyclicals of religious orders, and church documents. In doing so, students contribute to the preservation of Christian tradition and the cultivation of Christian culture in Korean society. (*Coming soon)

Peace Studies Major

The 'Peace Studies Major' embodies the founding philosophy of Catholic University, respect for humanity, and aims to foster professionals who contribute to world peace in the modern world. In other words, it is a discipline that aims to contribute to personal and social change by objectifying and systematizing the theme of peace, a universal value of humanity, through interdisciplinary research based on Catholic theology and religion.

Religious Studies Major

The 'Religious Studies Major' is a discipline that explores the social role and orientation of religion in Korea, a multi-religious society, by objectively studying each religious tradition based on the theories of religious studies. It also introduces the theories of various religious scholars and examines the development of religious traditions from a comparative religious perspective.